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Founder & Principal of Penelas Architects

Prof. Dr. Architect - Chair of Architecture at European University of Madrid (UEM)

PENELAS ARCHITECTS is an International Architecture, Urban Design, and Master Planning office, established in 1990, with a long trajectory and range of experience in different sectors.


José Luis Esteban Penelas graduated as an Architect and Urban Designer at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, where he was Professor from 1989-2002. He holds a PhD in Architecture and he is currently Chair of Architecture at the European University of Madrid (UEM). He is also the Founder and Director of the UEM Research Group: AIR LAB Cities (Advanced Architecture International Research Laboratory of Cities).

In 1990 he established his own office of Architecture and Urbanism in Madrid - PENELAS ARCHITECTS, currently developing projects of architecture, urbanism, landscape, engineering and sustainability in Spain, Latin America, Europe, Korea and China. His works have been internationally published and exhibited (Madrid, Milan, Quito, Santiago de Chile, Puerto Rico, Bogotá, Istanbul, Brazil, Buenos Aires, Shanghai, Roma, Berlin, Montevideo, Barcelona, USA, …), receiving more than fifty national and international awards, among others: - Biennial of Spanish Architecture - Awards of Architecture and Urbanism , Madrid Municipality  (3 calls) - Award of Urbanism Official Chamber of Architects of Madrid - International Triennial of Milan of Public Space (2 calls) - Awards Architecture Madrid Region - European Landscape Biennial (two calls)- 1st Prize International Competition for Caribbean Pavilion (Expo Zaragoza 2006) - 1st Prize  ex-aequo International Competition for Xi’An extension (China), 2006 - 1st Prize Competition for Cemetery Park (Quito, 2015) - 1st Prize International Competition for 7 Bridges and Urban Design in Shanghai (2016) -1st Prize Competition for Master Plan Mastodontes, Quito  4.000 dwellings,  (2021).

His most renowned works are: Juan Carlos I Park (220 Hectares - Madrid), Plaza for the Reina Sofia’s Modern Art Museum (Madrid), Flora Museum and Greenhouse (Madrid), Urban design of Lavapies Centre District (Madrid), Elderly People’s Residence (Madrid), New Pradolongo Park (Madrid), Analysis Laboratories (Seville), Master Plan for the new city of Saemangeum in (35 km long and for 5 million people) (South Korea), 7 Bridges (Shanghai), 5 residential Towers (Guayaquil, Ecuador), Master Plan (Quito, Mastodontes, 2021). 

He is author of many books, writings and articles; including his latest books “Architectures XXI Century” (2007), “Building the Future City” (2009), with the latest theories and thoughts for the development and planning of new Metacities of the XXI Century, and “Super-places: Inter-media spaces” (2007) in which he proposes a new critical theory to project space in architecture and contemporary cities.

He was curator of the Pavilion of Spain at the Architecture Biennale of Rotterdam (2005), curator at the Architecture Biennale of Shenzhen/Hong Kong (2013); guest at the Architecture Biennale of Venice (Swiss Pavilion 2014 and selected European Cultural Center 2018) and at the Architecture Biennale of Shanghai (2015) and curator of the Madrid Pavilion I Biennale Seoul (2017).



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Penelas Architects is an international Architecture, Urban Design and Master Planning office with a broad trajectory and range of experience. The office is founded and directed by Dr. Architect Jose Luis Esteban Penelas, and has over 28 years of experience.

Penelas Architects designs and builds a wide range of projects, and is involved in all phases of the project - from management, design and construction to the development, management and control of the works on site. The office’s diverse infrastructure is formed of architects, civil and industrial engineers, landscape architects and building technicians. Penelas Architects conceives, designs and builds projects of varying programmatic function in both historic cities as well as emerging. Projects range from large scale projects, such as urban design and master plans to museums, auditoriums, plazas, office buildings, housing units of all typologies, parks – including commercial parks - public and private schools, the restoration of historical buildings, furniture design, etc. Furthermore, the office develops its design process with a commitment to sustainable design, respecting the environment and its contextual surroundings.

During its history, the office has built a broad range of strong client relationships in both the private and public sector, providing a highly efficient and professional service in all phases of the project. Their vast range of projects, built works in the field of construction and urban design have been acknowledged on an international scale, obtaining more than fifty architecture and urban prizes, and have been both published and exhibited in the most prestigious galleries and architecture fairs in the world. The office is currently developing projects in Spain, the Netherlands, South America, and China.


  • -  1st Prize in the Competition for Mastodontes Masterplan in Quito, 2021.

  • -  1st Prize in the Competition for Main Street of Yangdong-District, 2019.

  • -  1st Prize in the International Competiton to built 7 bridges in Shanghai, 2015. Construction date begins in December 2016.

  • -  1st Prize in the Competiton to built a Shopping Centre, Madrid 2012

  • -  1st Prize in the International Competiton to remodel a Shopping Centre and Office building, Madrid. 2011.

  • -  1st Prize in the International Competiton by invitation to only 7 teams (only Spanish participant) selected on curricu

    lum merits to develop a Master Plan for a new city in Saemangeum (South Korea) for 15 million of habitants, with the

    dimensions of 35km by 35km. February - August 2008.

  • -  2007 First Prize in the competition for the New Auditorium in Latina District, Madrid

  • -  2007 Honourable Mention in the Madrid Council’s Prize for Architecture and Urbanism for the project “Metama

    drid. Supercluster”, promoted by the Universidad Europea de Madrid.

  • -  2006 Second Prize in the International Competition for the New Silk Road Park, in Xi’An (China)

  • -  2005 Invited professor by the department of Interior and Landscape Design, in the Academy of Arts of Arts an De

    sign in Tsinghua University, China.

  • -  2005 Invited professor by the Institute of Interior Design in the Annual Conference and International Academic

    Exchange, in Guilin, China.

  • -  2005. Second prize in the International Competition for the Pavilions for the International Exhibition of Zaragoza

    2008, Spain

  • -  2005. Curator for Spain in the II International Biennial of Architecture in Rotterdam, Holland.

  • -  2004.First Prize National Competition of Housing in Madrid.

  • -  2003 III Biennial of European Landscape Architecture for the Mediterranean Flora Museum and Greenhouse.


  • -  2003 Second Prize Competition 60 Dwellings in Madrid.

  • -  2002 First Prize Competition for Pradolongo Park. Madrid.

  • -  2001. II Biennial of European Landscape Architecture for the Plaza for the National Museum of Modern Art Queen

    Sofía in Madrid.

  • -  2001 First Prize Competition for Building Centre for Elderly. Madrid.

  • -  2001. Madrid Region Quality Awards for Architecture, for the Mediteranean Flora Museum and Greenhouse.

  • -  2001. Honorable Mention in the Castilla Awards, for House in Segovia. Spain.

  • -  2000 Second Prize Competition 140 dwellings in Madrid.

  • -  1999. Triennial National Association for Reinforce Concrete for the Mediterranean Flora Museum and Green

    house. Spain.

  • -  1998 Madrid Council’s 1992 Prize for Architecture and Urbanism for the Plaza for the National Museum of Modern

    Art Queen Sofia in Madrid.

  • -  1997 Triennial International of Milan for Public Space Architecture for the Juan Carlos I Park in Madrid. Milan. Italy

  • -  1997 Triennial International of Milan for Public Space Architecture for the Plaza of the National Museum of Modern

    Art Queen Sofia in Madrid.

  • -  1992 II Edition of Prizes for Young Spanish Architects for the Juan Carlos I Park. Madrid, Spain.

  • -  1992 II Biennial of Spanish Architecture (1991-92) for the Juan Carlos I Park in Madrid.

  • -  1992 Madrid Council’s Prize for Architecture and Urbanism for the Juan Carlos I Park in Madrid.

  • -  1992 Madrid College of Architects Urbanism Prize for the King Juan Carlos I Park.

  • -  Honourable Mention in the Prize of Architecture and Urbanism of the Council of Madrid for the Urban Design for

    the Green Corridor Railway of Madrid.

  • -  1988 Second Prize Competition for Building Calculation Centre for the Spanish Telephone Company, Madrid. 

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